Each restoration can present a different challenge. We specialize in restoring Oregon license plates but offer restoration services for other states. Please read the pricing information on the right carefully. If you have license tabs you need to have restored, please send us an email to enquire about the cost.
Turnaround time on a plate is typically around 3 months, but can vary depending on if a plate needs welding or has excessive rust. Our team restores plates as a side business, so restoration times can vary. Plates needing to be welded or those that have excessive rust damage can take additional time.
We can provide an exact cost for your plate if you submit a request for a free estimate so that there are no surprise costs to you. We can assess the work required most effectively when a few photos are provided. Visit our Free Estimate page to learn more.
Base Restoration Cost — $125 per plate + Shipping
This includes:
Stripping rust/paint;
Repairing small holes with JB Weld;
Straightening edges;
Removing small dents;
Application of body filler and;
Application of primer, base coat, and lettering paints.
Potential Additional Costs...
Welding - $25 per spot weld
This can include cracks, large holes, or welding in new material. This additional charge covers the time spent welding and grinding the weld smooth.
Sourcing Paint - $30 per color
All of our restorations are matched as close as possible. While we stock dozens of colors, there are times when we have to source a color to match the plate. This additional charge covers part of the cost of a pint of the automotive-grade paint we use on all plates.
Excessive Rust - $25-50 per plate
If a plate has excessive rust pitting, there is an additional charge for the time spent filling and then sanding the plate. The additional cost will either be $25 for pitted plates that need a moderate amount of filler and sanding or $50 for a very pitted plate that will take multiple rounds of filler and sanding to repair. The finished product will not show any pitting on the front of the plate.